Mental health conditions are treatable. We all play a role in supporting children’s mental health. In March, the Thumb Community Health Partnership (TCHP) launched a children’s behavioral health campaign- We’re in This Together, Take the First Step. A 2021 community survey showed a lack of awareness of services in the Thumb. Families also indicated they didn’t know how to access services. Many of those surveyed said that Stigma is a barrier to getting help. This campaign addresses all these concerns. The campaign provides families and community members with information on finding needed help. Members of the community will be more aware of children’s mental health needs. Families will be better able to support and seek help for their children.
We’re In This Together, Take the First Step campaign contains several messages. Target audiences are children, teenagers, and adults. Each audience has a different message. For children -What are emotions? Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Calmness, and Fear. “We realize it’s important for children to understand emotions. Educating and teaching children how to identify and handle all types of emotions lays the ground work for health and wellness. They will carry the coping skills they learn now into their teens and adult life.” – Kari Granz. Program Coordinator for the Thumb Community Health Partnership. Teen messaging explains three common mental health conditions: stress, anxiety, and depression. Teen messages provide suggestions for coping with these issues and resources for help. Adult messages focus on understanding signs and symptoms of mental health issues in children. Materials provide information about local services and finding a mental health provider.
Information will be given to schools, health care providers, daycare centers, and other places where families visit. Awareness of children’s mental health throughout the community will reduce stigma and fear and will lead to early identification of problems. The campaign will also direct individuals to treatment resources and programs that promote mental health and wellness.
For more information about how you can be involved in this campaign or to request copies of materials, contact Kari Granz, Program Coordinator at or 810-895-2918. [i]Materials will also be available at